Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Scrubby time!

It's hotter than a thousand blazing suns outside.
It's so humid, I feel like I'm breathing soup.
It hasn't rained in weeks.

Not only is this weather the bullshit of all bullshit, the local farmers (and nationwide, no doubt) are screwed.

 Also, to be petty and selfish, I feel like crap and my skin is disgusting.

I started exploring my kitchen, trying to find things to use to scrub all the icky dead skin off and moisturize my face while not making it feel clogged and heavy, like it already does.

Enter the baking ingredients.

My perfect trifecta.  Brown sugar, honey, olive oil.

The quality of ingredients is important.  Don't buy that 99 cent honeybear crap and expect it to work.  They pasteurize all the benefits out of it.  You want raw honey!  It might look opaque, it might look kinda chunky.  It might have bits of wax in it.  It might start to crystallize, but don't fret: honey seriously has no expiration date.  Ever.  If you can't find raw honey (check at farmers markets and health food stores), you want unpasteurized honey.  They heat it up, but not enough to kill all the beneficial enzymes.
Honey has natural antimicrobial properties, is a good drawing agent, and moisturizes the heck out of your skin.  It also is slightly drying (which sounds like a contradiction) by getting rid of excess oil.

Likewise, the greener your olive oil, the more phytochemicals and whatnot are left in it.  Does this really matter for your skin?  Who knows, but it's not that more expensive, and it's more useful in the kitchen anways.

To make this glorious scrub:
1 part honey
1 part olive oil
1-2 parts brown sugar

Sexy, right?

Mix in a little dish.  Apply with damp fingers to a dry face.  Sit around for 5-10 minutes. Wet your hands again and massage the scrub into your face. (If you don't have time to sit around, just apply and scrub right away).

If you make a little extra, throw it in the fridge and use within 3 days.  I don't recommend doing this more than once or twice a week.  Happy scrubbing!

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